Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Safari - Myakka River State Park - 3 of 4

Greetings from the Hermit-Writer. [March 23 safari] Hope you enjoy.
The airboat tour

"Wade on over."

"Let's go swimming!"

Blue egret

White egret

Frolicking anhingas 

This anhinga had a great view of the lake

Lower Fox Trail

I love trees

I love trees


  1. As a matter of fact I would wade on over, and buy a ticket for that air-boat tour too! But sitting here enjoying the sound of nature around me, with coffee and your delicious moments out and about, that will do just fine!

  2. That is the best so far, really great ARM.

  3. Don't think I'll go swimming there!

  4. I too love trees. The reptiles? From a distance.
